Diamond & Platinum engagement ring design

Publié le par Ploy Lumthong

Wow!!! What an honour!!!

I'm so sure this is about "law of attractions". If you don't know about it, it's the world's law which says that if you alway think of something, it will come to you.

My name (Ploy) is some kind of precious stone and I like diamond because it's the strongest and most precious one. So I designed my logo in the diamond shape in black which is my favorite color. Then I was working on the diamond form again for the Maya workshop. And now I'm going to design the engagement rings in real diamond and platinum!!! I'm so happy because my work is going to be made for real and happy couple will wear them to their engagement :D  Soooo coool!!

So here's the first sketch, I will wait for the answer so I could make a precise one. ^^


Publié dans product design

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